Anakin and Obi Won chase after Zam Wessell through Coruscant.

Anakin: I’m going to get Zam. [Jumps out of ship]

Obi Won: I do not like it when he does that!

A figure in the shadows blasts Zam and she falls out of her ship, leaving Anakin on the ship.

Obi: It was Jango-fet who blasted Zam! And, he has made a clone army.

Jango fires his blaster at Obi, but Obi blocks the shot with his light saber.

Obi: your clone army is very powerful Jango.

Jango: You will have it.

[fade to black]

Two ships approach a planet and land. Obi Won emerges from his ship, and is captured by Count Dooku.

Dooku: You’ll be held in this power generator Obi Won and you be unable to speak.

Anakin, Mace Windu, Master Kit Fisto, and Asilka’s ships land next to the power generator.

Mace: I sense in the force that we are near Obi.

Fisto: Me too.

Mace cuts the wall of the generator with his light saber, freeing Obi.

Geonisians begin to emerge from caves with guns and canons, firing on the Jedi. Jango enters with his jet packs, blasting. The Geonosians talk in unintelligible their language.

Mace: There are only five of us and a million Geonosians!

Jango: You cannot escape now!

Mace strike Jango down with his light saber. Dooku heads off on his speeder.

Obi: Look it’s Dooku trying to escape, let’s get him!

Anakin: We must get Dooku!

Exit left pursuing Dooku. Fade to black.

Lights come up on Anakin and Dooku fighting.

Anakin: you can’t overpower me!

Dooku: yes I can!

Dooku throws sand with the Force at Anakin, and he falls down. Obi Won enters and begins to fight Dooku in an intense light saber battle.

Dooku: you cannot overpower me Obi.

Obi: you are strong in the force Dooku, but not as strong as me.

Obi escapes stage left. Dooku is left standing alone. Yoda emerges. Dooku shoots lightning from his finger tips at Yoda. Yoda bounces it back at Dooku who runs away. Fade to black.